Srikanth Soni

Full Stack Front-End Developer

About Me

Srikanth Soni has been working as full stack developer past 12 years after he has finished his masters in computer science. Since then he is constantly updating himself with the latest technology. He spends most of the time in learning and adapting the current technology with the pace of the world changes

He has working on many algorithm based on different requirements at different companies he as worked in his tenure. He developed a sophisticated algorithm which requires minimal to no manual intervention of human in auto updating the current trends in the market. 

He worked in Automative Industry, Video/Audio delivery of highlights in game, Manufacture Industry (includes Doors manufacturing, HVAC manufacturing etc), Retail business day to day basic operations.

Web Designer 85%
HTML 95%
CSS 90%
JavaScript 80%
PHP 90%
SEO 55%
UI / UX 82%

What I Can Do !

Web Designer

Search Engine Optimizer

Graphic Designer

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